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Writer's picture: Servant of YAHServant of YAH

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

As my husband and I sat in the house that we had rented for the past ten years, we thought to ourselves we should walk away from it all. You see our electricity and water were both disconnected by choice. We were lead to do this. I guess YAH was already preparing us for true ministry. Most people saw this as a tragedy. They said how could you stay in that house in the summer time in Texas with no water or electric? To be honest, it was not easy, we are so entitled. The only way I was able to endure was to have faith that everything was going to work out as it should, YAH had our back and front. I began to realize that those things, you know running water and electricity within your home were luxuries that I could survive without.

At this time my husband and I had left the church building and began to really read and study scripture. We were seeking to find our HA’MASHIACH, and boy did we. First of all we found we were being deceived by this world. Once our eyes were opened to the truth of this world, we ran straight to the SON, since we know HE IS THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER. We found that in order to truly follow our SAVIOR we had to listen to YAHUAH who said THIS IS MY SON, LISTEN TO HIM. Soooo we said Ok we have to listen and be obedient to the scriptures. In those scriptures HE told us that we needed to forsake all we have and not to love this world. Those verses made me tremble because we were doing exactly what HE said not to do. We were loving this world, trying to build our own kingdom, and conforming to the ways of this world. I was listening to a pastor the other day talking about the origins of these man made holidays and how they are celebrated. My husband and I stopped celebrating Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving a couple of years ago and the rest of the man made holidays we stopped celebrating this year, which made a few family members upset. We only celebrate YAH’S feast days. Anyway, this pastor told the story of when Moses spent forty days and nights fasting and being taught by YAHUAH away from the ISRAELITES. The Israelites began to get restless because they did not know what happened to Moses. So, they told AARON, Moses’s brother who was the Priest to make them an alahiym to Worship. Aaron was afraid of the people so he made them a golden calf and they began to party and worship it saying that this is our alahiym that brought us out of EGYPT. This angered YAHUAH because the people were worshipping HIM in their own way and not in the way HE commanded. That’s exactly what we were doing when we took part in these man made celebrations. We were seeking to worship YAHUAH in our own way, which really meant we were worshipping another alahiym. I use to give the justification of YAH knows my heart, and I was right, HE does. He knew that I was being disobedient and leaning to my own understanding. Oh yeah and I do recall that because of the actions of the ISRAELITES about three thousand of them were killed. We had eyes to see but they were not open and ears to hear but could not hear. We were so distracted with worldly matters, that the things of YAH were being neglected.

OK, so after reading the scripture, meditating on HIS word, and lots of prayer. My husband and I decided that we were going to truly follow YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH BY DOING WHAT HE SAID. So, August 2019 we sold and gave away all of our possessions, and Left our rent home to Follow the ways of my Savior. We also walked away from our corporate jobs. We could not bare to go to those places everyday and practice sin to get the job done. I knew YAH would not give me a pass for this on judgement day. So we chose the narrow road, the road not to many take because they don’t want to give up their stuff, their lawlessness or have family and friends walk away. My husband and I and our Maddie (our dog) are currently staying at an extended stay. This is the first stop on our journey of discipleship. We have learned that we are the church and there is work to be done out here in this dark world. Our ministry is wherever we are, which is why our lifestyle needs to show the HA’MASHIACH In us at all times. You have to be set apart to do it. We count it all joy when we are persecuted, lied on, screamed at, and called names because we have made the decision to follow scripture and make it a priority over anyone and anything else. TO LIVE IS YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH AND TO DIE IS GAIN. If you want to truly follow HIM you have to give up this life (your wants)for HIS WILL.


My husband and I have three children 23, 20, and 17. Unfortunately, my children have chosen the ways of the world over YAHUAH. It’s hurtful because I for many, many, years chose the ways of this world believing I was praising and worshipping the true creator, and I was not. Because I was blind, my children suffered. I taught them my blindness and when I was finally awoken to this evil world, I did nothing but tell my children all about the true creator. I even pulled my youngest daughter out of school where she was learning nothing about YAH and homeschooled her so that she would know word. I pray everyday that they will come running back to their first love, YAH. BECAUSE AGAIN TO LIVE IS MASHIACH AND TO DIE IS GAIN!!!!! WANNA KNOW IF I’M SPEAKING WORD?????ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PICK UP YOUR SCRIPTURES THAT HAS BECOME AN ORNAMENT ON YOUR SHELF AND READ IT.....

I Still Have My Smile, It just radiates differently because of that peace that passes all understanding. This smile is for YAH not man....


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